Homophon – erster schwuler Männerchor Münster

Many songs and lyrics that we’re singing, have been re-arranged and /or re-written by us and though regarded as out of date by some individuals. Wearing funny costumes has always been and will always be one of Homophon’s characterisitc features – besides humourous, snappy and diverting presentations. It’s like a hallmark, so to say.

Homophon does not offer the audience “simply” pure choral concerts, but combines them with a cabaret program. Homophon always tells stories that the audience amuses on the one hand, but on the other hand with their own ingrained thought patterns should confront. The choir has been making guest appearances on local, regional and international stages for over 35 years. In 2011, Homophon created the north German choir festival “Nordakkord”, which has been taking place every two years in different cities in northern Germany ever since. The audience particularly likes the fact that Homophon is also making fun of itself, makes halls laugh with humor and self-mockery. Because if you can laugh at yourself, it is most likely to be taken seriously.

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