Hello, how can we help you?
What is the festival program?
5 days of music, events, gala nights, shows and much more… click here to know more.
Where can I collect the Welcome Kit?
We will set up a Welcome Area inside the Various Voices Village in Dumbo, where the Choir Leaders will be able to check in and collect all the Delegate Kits of their choir and the T-shirts purchased a few months ago. We advise larger choirs to accompany their Choir Leader, because they will definitely need help!
The Village is large but has only one entrance: via Camillo Casarini 19. Spazio Bianco, the shed where the Welcome Area is located, is immediately near the entrance. Each space within the Village and the routes to get there are marked with signs.
The Delegate Kits and purchased T-shirts can be collected at these times:
- Tuesday 13th, from 16:00 to 22:00
- Wednesday 14th, from 10:00 to 22:00
The Welcome Area will still be open on the following days from 18:00 to 22:00.
If there are any needs or problems collecting the Delegates Kits at the indicated times, please write to us at registration@various-voices.it
Close to the Welcome Area there will be a Luggage Area where you can leave your luggages for a while, if needed.
There will also be a second info point in the city center in Sala Tassinari, on the ground floor of Palazzo D’Accursio, the town hall located in Piazza Maggiore. This will be open Tuesday 13th to Saturday 17th, from 10:00 to 19:00.
Tip: our Choir App contains all the information you need. Each performance you’ve assigned contains a Public Link on its Details page that you can send to your singers to share information.
Which are the location of the event?
Piazza Maggiore, Teatro Auditorium Manzoni, Arena del Sole, Teatro Duse, and Oratorio di San Filippo Neri. MAMbo – Modern Art Museum of Bologna, Bologna’s international music museum and library, and VV Village at DumBO.
Click here to know more about the locations.
When do I have to arrive and depart from Bologna?
The festival starts on June 14, 2023 and ends on June 18, 2023, as indicated on the website’s homepage and specified on the online program. Each delegate can leave and arrive in Bologna when they think best in agreement, if they are part of it, with their own chorus regarding choral performances.
Will there be rehearsal rooms?
Is the festival accessible?
Yes! All festival venues have easy access for disabled people. Bologna City Council has been working in the last years in order to improve accessibility on the whole territory and on public transportation.
More info here.
Which films will be shown on Piazza Maggiore during the festival?
All information will be shared nearer the time.
VV Bologna is working together with Cineteca and currently selecting the pieces. Choirs will have the opportunity to perform the soundtrack to the films together with a Festival Orchestra.