Various Voices for the first time in Italy
Various Voices is the most important LGBTQ+ choir festival in Europe and, between 14th and 18th June, it is hitting Italy for the first time with the 2023 Bologna Edition.
More than 5000 singers, musicians and fans from all over the world are going to sing and performe in Bologna, one of the UNESCO Cities of Music. For the first time choirs from South Africa and New Zeland are joining the event, plus two choirs form Ukraine.
Join us with the hashtag #ISingWhatIAm
Attending the performances
Hundreds of choir performances are going to happen in various locations in the city.
Follow this link to discover the detailed programme of all events, but please be aware of the different methods of access to the different locations as described below.
Delegates can access all performances just showing their personal badge at the entrance, with the exception of the performances in the museums, where a ticket is required for everyone.
Members of the general public can freely access the Gran Gala in Piazza Maggiore (16th of June) and all outdoor performances. A ticket is required to attend the Various Voices Village performances, as well as for the exhibitions in the International Museum of Music and Mambo Museum.
Outdoors performances

All outdoor performances are free and without any kind of reservation or limitation for the public as they are buskers-style events in the following locations in the city center:
- Palazzo d’Accursio
- Via de’ Musei – S. Maria Vita
- Scalinata via de’ Toschi
- Cortile museo medievale
- Punto TPER via IV Novembre
- Piazza dei Celestini
- Voltone del PodestÃ
- Via Ugo Bassi
- Gradinata Salaborsa
- Cassero LGBTI Center
Saturday 17th June from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 16:00 to 18:30 with a different choir every half hour.
Sunday 18th June from 10:00 to 12:30 with a different choir every half hour.
Museum of Music
The performances of the choirs at the International Museum of Music (Strada Maggiore, 34) are part of guided visits to the Museum.
The entrance fee is 3 euros and tickets can be purchased at the Museum’s ticket office or on the Museum’s website.
The performances of the choirs at the Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14) are part of guided visits to the Museum.
The entrance fee is 4 euros and tickets can be purchased at the Museum’s ticket office or on the Museum’s website.
VV Village
From 13th to 17th June, the VVVillage is hosted at DumBO.
Information for delegates
Baia: this closed space at DumBO is hosting the lounge bar, the choir performances and the warm up music. Entrance for delegates is free upon showing the personal badge. Hours: from 18:30 to 00:30 every day from the 13th to the 17th June.
Binario Centrale: from 19:00 to 22:00 is going to host choirs performances. The entrance for the delegates is free. From 00:30 to 3:00 the Binario Centrale is going to be the venue for the clubbing events. Entrance fee is 10 euros and tickets are limited. The tickets can be purchased through the DumBO’s channels.
Information for the general public
Baia: this closed space at DumBO is hosting the lounge bar, the choir performances and the warm up music and only on the 13th June will be open to the general public. Admission for general public is 10 euros.
Binario Centrale: From 00:30 to 3:00 the Binario Centrale is going to be the venue for the clubbing events. Admission is 10 euros. The tickets can be purchased through the DumBO’s channels.
During the 14th, 15th and 17th evenings the Various Voices Village is reserved for delegates.
