
The Barberfellas – or ‘Barbies’ for short – is a vocal ensemble made up of friends who enjoying singing together. We first gathered in aeach others’ living rooms in 2010, because we wanted to explore music sung in the barbershop style. Those initial...

Bristol Gay Men’s Chorus

We’re a male voice performance led group, based in Bristol in the South West of England. We launched the choir in 2019 but only really got started towards the end of 2021 after relaxed lockdown restrictions meant we could physically meet and sing together once...


Created in 1994, Mélo’Men is the gay and gay friendly low voice choir of Paris, France, that sings all musical styles. Comprising forty-five singers, we regularly work with other choirs (in France and beyond), ensembles and orchestras to bring our...

Lorem ipsum 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet leo justo. Vestibulum maximus accumsan egestas. Nam orci lectus, egestas in tincidunt ac, ullamcorper a mi. Mauris pharetra porta elit porta commodo. Ut hendrerit lectus ac lorem commodo,...

Lorem ipsum 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet leo justo. Vestibulum maximus accumsan egestas. Nam orci lectus, egestas in tincidunt ac, ullamcorper a mi. Mauris pharetra porta elit porta commodo. Ut hendrerit lectus ac lorem commodo,...