We’re a male voice performance led group, based in Bristol in the South West of England.
We launched the choir in 2019 but only really got started towards the end of 2021 after relaxed lockdown restrictions meant we could physically meet and sing together once again.
We’ve grown quickly to a membership of 50+ and have lots of plans for the future.
As well as singing together we’re building friendships and helping each other figure stuff out!
We formed as a brand new choir in Autumn 2019 and like everyone else were brought to an abrupt halt by the global pandemic in early 2020.
We did our best to carry on and met frequently online throughout lockdowns and were very happy to start singing again face to face in late 2021.
We finally burst onto the scene with our first public performance in July 2022 and have been growing in confidence and membership since.
In the past year we’ve performed alongside our friends at Sing Out Bristol and South Wales Gay Men’s chorus as well as other local ensembles and we’re beyond excited to bring our sound to Various Voices 2023.
We’re bringing about half of our membership to VV 2023 & our Bologna performance will be the 5th time we have appeared as a choir on stage.
We’re excited to bring our members to Bologna and introduce them to the Various Voices family for the very first time. We’re looking to have a lot fun, make new friends and pinch a few ideas from other choirs along the way – we’ll be taking notes. We’ll also be checking out the Bologna food scene. Ciao, Bologna!